Scripture – 1 John 5:20 Through understanding the coming of Jesus, we can understand how to truly know God, how God wants to relate to us, and how to have eternal life.
You Shall Call His Name Jesus
Scripture – Matthew 1:18-25
The Sign of The Virgin Birth
Scripture – Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35 Sermon Summary: The truth that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus is foundational to the Gospel.
Born a Child and Yet a King – Christmas Eve 2021
Scripture – Luke 1:26-35 The birth of Jesus is significant because he is the True King who invites us into his joyful kingdom.
The Transforming Good News of Christmas
Scripture – Luke 2:1-20 Luke 2:9 says that as the Shepherds were out in the field on the night that Jesus was born, “… an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory …
My Year of Advent
What one woman learned from a year-long observance of Advent The following is an article written by Amber Crafton, one of our Covenant Members, and published by Fathom Magazine on December 20, 2018. The original article …
Advent Focus In 2018
It’s that time of year when everyone seems to get busier and busier with Christmas shopping, Christmas decorating, Christmas parties, Christmas baking, Christmas travel plans and other Christmasy stuff. And I love it! I can …
The Promise of Christmas In Genesis
The promise of Christmas finds its roots in the book of Genesis. It is there, in Genesis 3:15, where God promises that one would come from the seed of the woman to defeat God’s enemy, …
Look Up: Rest in His Presence
Advent — Psalm 46 God is a refuge and strength and a very present help in times of trouble for His people. The Lord of Hosts, who melts the earth with His voice, commands the whole …
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