The promise of Christmas finds its roots in the book of Genesis.
It is there, in Genesis 3:15, where God promises that one would come from the seed of the woman to defeat God’s enemy, Satan. All throughout the Old Testament, the prophets proclaim that this Savior will come. Every single prophecy points back to this original promise in Genesis 3. We also see many places in the Old Testament where stories foreshadow a greater reality of what this Savior will be and do for his people. It is in the New Testament where the angels proclaim that the Savior has been born in the city of David.
This Savior, Jesus Christ, is the fulfillment of the promise, the prophecies and all that the Old Testament foreshadowed he would be and do. Behold, God the Son has stepped into his creation to fulfill the promise of God the Father in Genesis. This is what Christmas is all about!