Our Elders
An elder of Peine Ridge Church has the primary responsibility of overseeing both the affairs of the church and the souls of those within the church.
“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”
—Acts 20:28
If you would like to contact our elders, please email them at prcpastors@peineridgechurch.org.

Steve Haupt
I grew up in a God-loving, church-going family in Ferguson, Missouri. When I was six years old, I came to realize I was a sinner who desperately needed . . .
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Jason Myers
I have been attending church gatherings just about every Sunday of my life for as long as I can remember. On one particular Sunday morning, when I was seven . . .
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Nathan Smith
I was blessed with a Mom and Dad who love God, love each other, and love their kids. At a very early age I heard the Gospel Story and believed that it was true . . .
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Our Deacons
A Deacon of Peine Ridge Church, being an official servant of the church, has the primary responsibility of both leading in serving and leading by serving for the health and growth of the church under the oversight of and for the support of the Elders of Peine Ridge Church.
“For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.”
—1 Timothy 3:13

Doug Hornberger
I lived a typical Midwestern life with my parents loving me very much and teaching me the value of hard work. They passed on to me solid morals that included making sacrifices . . .
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Ray Pechacek
I am one of those people who have “always been a Christian” even though they do not exist. When I attended college at the University of Texas at Austin . . .
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Justin Glenn
I grew up in a family that attended church, and I always had a strong sense of moral right and wrong. However, by my teen and young adult years, I found myself . . .
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Josh Monroe
I was born to Christian parents. From a very early age, I learned Christian truths and was in a church community. I do not remember . . .
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