Scripture – Revelation 7:9-10, Matthew 28:19 In this message, Mike outlines God’s vision for the Church, as glimpsed in Revelation 7, and clarifies for us the mission that God has sent us out on- the …
Trust God. Remember Your Creator.
Trust God. Remember Your Creator. In this passage, The Preacher shows us that everything around us is designed to elicit these two responses from us. From the very simple way a tree falls and stays …
Search Your Heart. Seek Wisdom. Submit to God.
In Ecclesiastes 6:11 and 12, Solomon asks two questions that he is going to seek to answer in the first 14 verses of chapter 7. The two questions are this: “What is good for man?” …
The Promise of Christmas In Genesis
The promise of Christmas finds its roots in the book of Genesis. It is there, in Genesis 3:15, where God promises that one would come from the seed of the woman to defeat God’s enemy, …
The Vanity of Self-Indulgence
In this message,, Pastor Mike Sadich walks us through Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. Here, Solomon is testing his heart with pleasure to see whether or not his pursuit of entertainment, women and possessions will satisfy the deep …