Scripture – Hebrews 10:1-4
The Return of Our High Priest
Scripture – Hebrews 9:23-28
The Focus of Fellowship
In a recent Covenant Members gathering, which took place as Peine Families were getting geared up for the Fall, I shared some thoughts on where our focus should be as we think about Peine Family. …
Your Hands Are Full
Scripture – Exodus 29:1-46; 30:22-28 You have been chosen, consecrated and ordained for priestly ministry.
Revealing and Requiring
Scripture – Exodus 27:1-8; 38:1-7 Sermon Summary: The Bronze Altar was meant to reveal much to sinners and require much from sinners.
The Amazing Silence of King Jesus
Scripture – Mark 15:1-5 We are so obsessed with, and committed to, defending ourselves and protecting our rights, that we often fail to love as we ought. We might say we value love, but we …
The Better Life
Scripture – Mark 9:42-50 We will all face fire. We will either face the purifying fire of discipleship in this life as we follow Jesus, or we will face the punishing fire of hell for …