Jason Myers – Pastor/Elder
My Story
I have been attending church gatherings just about every Sunday of my life for as long as I can remember. On one particular Sunday morning, when I was seven years old, I was struck by my pastor’s words about the need to be saved from hell. When we got home from our church worship gathering that afternoon, I told my parents that I wanted to be a Christian. We knelt down in my kitchen and I prayed, asking Jesus to forgive me and save me.
About nine years later, when I was sixteen, I went to a church youth camp. I don’t remember who else was there, the messages we heard, or the fun experiences we had, but I do recall a simple song we sang one night: “Yes, Lord, Yes.” It was through that song that God led me to consciously commit to Jesus that I’d do anything and go anywhere He might call me to, no matter what. From that night on, I had many opportunities to say “yes!” to His call to follow Him.
I went on to earn my Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion, graduating in 2003. From 2000 to 2010, I served as a pastor of The Church of St. Charles in St. Charles, Missouri. In 2010, God graciously gave me the privilege of helping to plant Peine Ridge Church here in Wentzville.
I have been joyfully married to my best friend, Lindsay, since 2004, and together we have two boys, Ethan (2007) and Carter (2008), and two girls, Elyse (2011) and Audrey (2015).

My Hope for Peine Ridge Church
I desire for God to completely convince the minds and compel the hearts of our people to joyfully worship Jesus in faith by always sincerely and passionately saying “yes” to His call on their lives, no matter what.