Sovereign Creator,
You spoke all that exists into being. You have made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. The hearts of the most powerful rulers of men are like water in Your hands, turning to accomplish Your purposes. Not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from Your perfect knowledge. You alone are the Sovereign Lord over all history.
Yet we confess that we have little faith. We worry about the same things that the world worries about. We confess that we are often anxious, trying to figure out the future and plan for every possibility. We obsess over the latest bad news as if by obsessing we can control things. We get stressed over the uncertainties of life rather than praying about them.
Lord, forgive us for our doubt and fear. Strengthen our faith to more firmly believe Your promise that if we seek Your kingdom first, You will take care of all our needs. Give rest to our minds by fixing them on Your sovereign power and perfect wisdom. Give peace to our hearts by anchoring them in Jesus, who has overcome the world by His glorious resurrection.
Through Jesus, our Living Hope, we pray.