In our worship gatherings we seek to joyfully respond to our worthy Triune God in Biblically appropriate ways by the power of the Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, and through the ministry of the Word (Philippians 3:3). You can learn more about worship at PRC on our Values page.
Worship is always a response to God’s initiative: God speaks, we respond. And because we believe that God speaks to His people in a unique way when we gather together for worship, we believe it is important for us to come to our gatherings prepared—prepared both to hear and to respond. To that end we provide these resources here, praying they will help you to come each Sunday ready to hear from the Lord with greater eagerness, less focus on self, fewer distractions and ready to respond from the heart with honest prayers, unhindered praise, and glad obedience. To God be all glory, and to His people be all joy through Christ!
Sermon Series:
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
We are currently hearing God speak to us in corporate worship by our preaching through the book of Revelation. For an introduction to the book, as well as additional study notes, we recommend the ESV Study Bible. We preach from the ESV translation, and have provided here the ESV audio of this week’s sermon text. The text version is also available from the ESV Bible Online by clicking on the track title below.
Musical Worship
We will respond to the riches of God’s grace in Christ by singing the songs on this Spotify playlist. This list will be updated each week, so if you have a Spotify account, you can save the list to your favorites and listen through the app or website. If you do not have a Spotify account and do not wish to create one, we recommend creating your own playlist by adding the titles below through the service of your choice or your own music library.