Scripture – Revelation 9:12-21 Sermon Summary: When God confronts us with the horrors of death it is a gracious call for us to repent.
Demonic Judgment
Scripture – Revelation 8:13-9:12 Sermon Summary: God reveals that He uses unholy spirits to judge unrepentant sinners.
The Symbolism of the First Four Trumpets
Scripture – Revelation 8:6-12 Sermon Summary: God is glorified in His judgment of evil and by saving His people through judgment.
Biblical Faith Works Radical Changes
Scripture – Hebrews 11:31 Sermon Summary: Biblical faith works radical changes in our lives
Chosen, Called, & Clinging
Scripture – 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15
Our Deliverer and His Deliverance
Scripture – Exodus 12:29-41 Should we expect God to give us our own personal “exodus” by delivering us immediately from every trial, just as He rescued the Israelites out of Egypt? In this message Pastor …
God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment
Scripture – Exodus 12:1-28 As we look at the Passover and God’s instructions to Moses, we want to understand it in the historical context of the event and the subsequent feast of Passover, but we …
Angels and the Gospel
Angels are fascinating creatures. Pictures of angels have been plentiful in art throughout the ages. Stories and books of angels capture the interest of millions, even to the point of Hollywood catching on and making …