Scripture – Habakkuk 2:6-13 In this passage we see the first three out of five woes that God will pronounce against the Babylonian nation and their ruler. This pronouncement of judgment on Babylon is intended to …
Wait for What Will Surely Come
Scripture – Habakkuk 2:2-3 Did you know that the Lord fights for our faith in the midst of our suffering? In this message, Pastor Jason Myers shows us that there are at least 3 ways He does …
Hoping in the Character of of God
Scripture – Habakkuk 1:12-2:1 In verse twelve of chapter one Habakkuk states what he knows to be true about God’s character. As Pastor Brian points out in this message, this is where we must begin and …
God Is Always Working
Scripture – Habakkuk 1:5-11 In this message, Pastor Steve Haupt explains how God works through judgement to bring His people to full, final and glorious salvation.
Introduction to Habakkuk
Scripture – Habakkuk 1:1-4 In this message, Pastor Jason Myers introduces us to the major themes of Habakkuk, and powerfully urges us to fight for a faith beyond sight.