Scripture – Revelation 16:8-21 Sermon Focus: Repent today, because another Day is coming when it will be too late.
A Divine Corrective Regarding Divine Wrath
Scripture – Revelation 15:5-16:7 Sermon Focus: God’s judgment is just! His wrath demonstrates His righteousness, and we ought to worship Him for it.
Belonging, Identity, and Destiny
Scripture – Revelation 14:1-5 Sermon Focus: Who you belong to determines everything about you.
Endure the Beast With Faith in the Lamb
Scripture – Revelation 13:1-10 Sermon Focus: Satan is always attempting to corrupt governing authorities in order to dishonor God & destroy His people.
Slanderous Accusations
Scripture – Revelation 12:7-10 Sermon Focus: The work of Christ removes the power of Satan’s accusations.
The Overcoming Kingdom of God
Scripture – Revelation 11:14-19 Sermon Summary: Let this reality reorient you: The Kingdom of God will overcome the kingdom of this world.
Demonic Judgment
Scripture – Revelation 8:13-9:12 Sermon Summary: God reveals that He uses unholy spirits to judge unrepentant sinners.
Persevere In Prayer
Scripture – Revelation 8:1-5 Sermon Summary:
The Coming Day of Divine Judgment
Scripture – Revelation 6:9-17 Sermon Summary: God’s promise that the Day of His wrath is coming is meant to give comfort and courage to saints struggling against, and suffering under, worldly opposition as they seek …