This last Sunday, I gave a word of exhortation to all my listeners to immerse themselves in the Word of God. I didn’t have enough time to include all that I thought would be practically …
Immerse Yourself in the Word of God: The Hardened Heart
This last Sunday, I gave a word of exhortation to all my listeners to immerse themselves in the Word of God. I didn’t have enough time to include all that I thought would be practically …
What’s Behind the Ten Commandments
The 10 Commandments are foundational to so much of how we think and live. And when I say “we”, I mean humans living in civilized society. All people in communities affected by Judaism, Islam, and …
Harmonious Holy Week Readings
Holy Week (or Passion Week) commemorates the final week of Jesus’ earthly ministry and pre-resurrection life. During Holy Week, it is good to read the passages of Scripture that correspond to each day in Jesus’ …
Pursuing a Robust Theology of Work
As I said last Sunday, in order to work laboriously (with disciplined excellence and service), willingly (with responsible gratitude and joy), and quietly (with encouraging integrity and focus) all because of Jesus, we need to …
Plan to Read the Bible in 2022
Are you planning to read the Bible in 2022? I mean planning in both senses. That is, are you making both a strategy and a commitment to follow that strategy? You see, a commitment to …
Where To Begin Reading the Puritans
“The Puritans [were] burning and shining lights.” Though the Puritans (c. 1550-1750) have been dead for centuries, their influence is lasting and deep for those who read them. The Holy Spirit has long used, and …
Necessary Tension
Some things are obviously mutually exclusive (e.g., heads or tails, east or west, dead or alive, day or night, heaven or hell, etc). To accept one of these is to automatically and necessarily reject its …