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Scripture – Psalm 14
This Psalm shows us two attitudes to reject when we see the power and success of wicked people:
- We should reject envy of the godless.
- We should reject fear of the godless
Why should we reject envy and fear of the godless?
- Because the LORD is against the godless.
- Because the LORD is for the godly.
The Apostle Paul’s quotation from Psalm 14 in Romans 3 is not contradictory, but is a complementary perspective to David’s.
How should we respond?
- Repent of our own godlessness, humbly acknowledging that we would be wicked to the core if not for the grace of God.
- Eagerly long for, and confidently expect, that the LORD will one day vindicate the righteous and judge the ungodly who have foolishly rejected Him.