The Vanity of Self-Indulgence

PRC Media Fear God, Sermons

Fear God
Fear God
The Vanity of Self-Indulgence

In this message,, Pastor Mike Sadich walks us through Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. Here, Solomon is testing his heart with pleasure to see whether or not his pursuit of entertainment, women and possessions will satisfy the deep longings of his heart.

We look at “The Test,” “The Result,” “The Purpose” and “The Remedy.” When life is pursued “under the sun,” Solomon concludes that it will leave us empty, unfulfilled and proves meaningless. In fact, we see that the pursuit of everlasting pleasure is not found “under the sun” but is found by getting “over the sun.”

What does it mean to get “over the sun?” It means that we must seek to find our pleasure, purpose, meaning and joy in God himself.